Who It's For
Enjoy the convenience of no traffic, no waiting and no exposure to additional germs when you consider adding a telehealth membership.
Why spend time and money getting checked out for sore throats, earaches and many other common illnesses? HealthiestYou has a network of physicians ready to diagnose, treat and prescribe right over the phone 24/7/365. There are no consult fees and no time limits for these calls. With HealthiestYou, you, your spouse and all dependent children up to age 18 can access virtual health care for $20 a month.
Speak with board-certified psychiatrists, licensed psychologists or therapists by phone or video from wherever you feel most comfortable. Book appointments with ease and build an ongoing relationship with a mental health professional of their choice—all without having to travel to a doctor’s office. (Visit fees apply, not included in monthly fee).
In two business days or less, you can get a diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions like acne, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and more. No appointment necessary — you’ll communicate with a U.S. board-certified dermatologist through our online message center. (Visit fees apply, not included in monthly fee).
Check out the HealthiestYou radar feature to find nearby doctors, dentists and other health care providers. In addition, you can comparison shop to find the best prices on prescriptions and common procedures.
The HealthiestYou Telehealth app sends you alerts and reminders based on your location to make sure you’re getting the most out of the service.
Find out more about HealthiestYou features and how you can get started today! View Flyer
HealthiestYou - by Teladoc HEALTh
Have a busy schedule
See a doctor when it works for you
Make frequent doctor visits
Use the app instead of making the trip
Have a spouse and children
$20/month covers visits for the whole family
Need attention for minor issues
Get sore throats or minor illnesses checked quickly
Want to avoid waiting rooms
Save time and exposure to other patients
Save time & money over doctor office visits
Avoid waiting rooms
No consult fee or time limit for calls
HealthiestYou Telehealth by Teladoc Health
HealthiestYou by Teladoc Health and UnitedHealthcare are not affiliated and each entity is responsible for its own contractual and financial obligations. All members are encouraged to maintain adequate insurance from a responsible provider.
HealthiestYou is designed to complement, and not replace, the care you receive from your primary care physician. HealthiestYou physicians are an independent network of doctors who advise, diagnose and prescribe at their own discretion. Physicians provide cross coverage and operate subject to state regulations. Physicians in the independent network do not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. HealthiestYou does not guarantee that a prescription will be written.